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Talks and Publications


  • Buros, J., Sakrejda, K., Lee, D., Novik, E., & Jewsbury, P. (2020). Prognostic value of tumor size varies by treatment in a meta-analysis of 15 randomized clinical trials in advanced non-small cell lung cancer across immunotherapy, TKI, and chemotherapy regimens. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 8(Suppl 3).


  • Brilleman, S. L., Crowther, M. J., Moreno-Betancur, M., Buros Novik, J., Dunyak, J., Al-Huniti, N., Fox, R., Hammerbacker, J., Wolfe, R. (2019). Joint longitudinal and time-to-event models for multilevel hierarchical data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(12), 3502 3515. doi:10.1177/0962280218808821


  • Sebastian Weber, Andrew Gelman, Daniel Lee, Michael Betancourt, Aki Vehtari, and Amy Racine-Poon. (2018). Bayesian aggregation of average data: An application in drug development. Annals of Applied Statistics 12 (2018), no. 3, 1583--1604. doi:10.1214/17-AOAS1122.


  • Hellmann, M. D., Nathanson, T., Rizvi, H., Creelan, B. C., Sanchez-Vega, F., Ahuja, A., Ni, A., Novik, J. B., Mangarin, L. M. B., Abu-Akeel, M., Liu, C., Sauter, J. L., Rekhtman, N., Chang, E., Callahan, M. K., Chaft, J. E., Voss, M. H., Tenet, M., Li, X.-M., … Wolchok, J. D. (2018). Genomic Features of Response to Combination Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Cell, 33(5), 843-852.e4.


  • Snyder, A., Nathanson, T., Funt, S. A., Ahuja, A., Novik, J. B., Hellmann, M. D., Chang, E., Aksoy, B. A., Al-Ahmadie, H., Yusko, E., Vignali, M., Benzeno, S., Boyd, M., Moran, M., Iyer, G., Robins, H. S., Mardis, E. R., Merghoub, T., Hammerbacher, J., … Bajorin, D. F. (2017). Contribution of systemic and somatic factors to clinical response and resistance to PD-L1 blockade in urothelial cancer: An exploratory multi-omic analysis. PLOS Medicine, 14(5), e1002309.


  • Bob Carpenter, Andrew Gelman, Matthew D. Hoffman, Daniel Lee, Ben Goodrich, Michael Betancourt, Marcus Brubaker, Jiqiang Guo, Peter Li, and Allen Riddell. (2017) Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical Software [Online], 76.1 (2017): 1--32. doi:10.18637/jss.v076.i01.


  • Bob Carpenter, Matthew D. Hoffman, Marcus Brubaker, Daniel Lee, Peter Li, and Michael Betancourt. (2015). The Stan Math Library: Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation in C++. arXiv:1509.07164.


  • Andrew Gelman, Daniel Lee, and Jiqiang Guo. (2015). Stan: A probabilistic programming language for Bayesian inference and optimization. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Vol 40, Issue 5: 530--543. doi:10.3102/1076998615606113.


  • Andrew Gelman, Daniel Lee, and Yair Ghitza. (2010). Public opinion on health care reform. The Forum, Volume 8, Issue 1 [Online]. doi:10.2202/1540-8884.1355.


  • Gibson, C. M., Pride, Y. B., Buros, J. L., Ciaglo, L. N., Morrow, D. A., Scirica, B. M., & Stone, P. H. (2009). Timing and Duration of Myocardial Ischemia on Holter Monitoring Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Their Association With Clinical Outcomes The American Journal of Cardiology, 104(1), 36–40.



  • Eric Novik (2022, Oct 12). Communicating models and uncertainty, a multi-industry perspective. 2022 Bayesian Biostatistics Conference. Bethesda, Maryland. Slides.


  • Eric Novik and Sergey Aksenov (2021, Oct. 1). What's wrong with clinical trials in oncology and what can we do about it. HITLAB Symposium, Columbia Business School. YouTube video. 



  • Daniel Lee. (2020, Oct. 22). Industry Panel – Probabilistic Programming in the Field: Bayesian Modeling PROBPROG 2020. Online panel.


  • Daniel Lee. (2020, Oct. 8). Stan: why does it exist? when is it useful? why do I use it? PyData Eindhoven 2020. Online talk.


  • Daniel Lee. (2020, Oct. 7). R/Pharma 2020 Workshop Series: Stan workshop. R in Pharma 2020. Online workshop.


  • Jacqueline Buros Novik. (2020, Sep. 22). Predicting survival from early tumor data in oncology clinical trials. 2020 Generable webinar series. Online event. Video


  • Marmaduke Woodman, Eric Novik. (2019, May 22). Translational Neuroscience: from dynamical systems to personalized medicine. 2019 Bayesian Biostatistics Conference. Lyon, France. Slides


  • Daniel Lee. (2019, Jun. 17). Bayesian Analysis using Stan. 2019 Nonclinical Biostatics Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Slides


  • Eric Novik. (2018, Nov. 25). Introduction to Bayesian Inference with Stan. Technion, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management . Haifa, Isreal.


  • Eric Novik. (2018, Nov. 20). High Dimensional Bayesian Inference with Stan. DataHack Meetup. Tel Aviv, Isreal.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Oct. 5). Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy. Probabilistic Programming Conference. MIT, Cambridge, MA.


  • Eric Novik, Daniel Lee. (2018, Oct. 4). From small samples to big decisions. Challenges and opportunities for using Stan for Platform and other reduced sample trials. Pfizer Internal Seminar. Cambridge, MA.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Aug. 29). Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in Stan. (short course). StanCon 2018 Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland.


  • Eric Novik. (2018, Aug. 29). Productization of Stan. StanCon 2018 Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Aug. 16). Early signals of efficacy in Phase I/II trials. R in Pharma Conference. Cambridge, MA.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Aug. 15). Stan with R for analysis. (tutorial) R in Pharma Conference. Cambridge, MA.


  • Arya Pourzanjani. (2018, Jun. 28). Understanding the progression of Alzheimer's.Bayesian Data Analysis Meetup. New York, NY.


  • Arya Pourzanjani, Daniel Lee, Eric Novik (2018, May 29). PK/PD Inference with Stan. PAGE 2018 Conference. Montreux, Switzerland.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, May 22). Computing lp__. Bayesian Data Analysis Meetup. New York, NY.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Feb 7). Understanding lp__: proportionality constants and (automatic) transforms. Stan Meetup Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Feb 6). ISOP Lecture -- Stan Meets Pharamcology. PAGANZ. Melbourne, Australia.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Feb 5). Stan short course (1 day). PAGANZ. Melbourne, Australia.


  • Daniel Lee. (2018, Jan 11). History of Stan. StanCon 2018. Asilomar, CA.


  • Eric Novik. (2018, Jan 10). Bayesian Decision Making for Executives. StanCon 2018. Asilomar, CA.

Talks and Posters

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